The Life of Steve & Emily Godek
Steve & Emily Godek Time Line

The Melody Choir of Chicopee in the News


The Springfield Sunday Union and Republican – August 5, 1934

The Melody choir will conduct its third annual outing at Balch’s beach Lake Congamond, Southwick. The choir will occupy the Swedish club cottage. Martin Sundej is general chairman, assisted by a large committee. Transportation will be furnished at the Polish National Home on Cabot and Center Streets this morning at 6:30.


The Springfield Daily Republican – September 16, 1934

The Melody choir will meet tomorrow night at 7. Stephen Godek, president of the club, announces that the choir will enter a singing contest with choirs in Western Massachusetts this winter.


The Springfield Daily Republican – Saturday, October 6, 1934

An old fashioned barn dance will be held at the Polish National Home at Chicopee Center tonight, under the auspices of the Melody Choir. Dancing will be from 8 to 12. Cider will be given to all patrons of this affair. The advance sale of tickets indicates a large attendance.


The Springfield Daily Republican – Tuesday, December 18, 1934

Group to broadcast Christmas Music In Near Future The Melody Choir, a well known musical organization throughout the state, held its annual meeting Sunday night, and elected the following officers: President, Stephen Godek; vice-president, Mill Valeria Mlynarczyk; recording secretary, Miss Jane Gosciemska; financial secretary, Miss Bertha Olko; treasurer, Joseph Chmiel, Edward J. Filar, presided as chairman during the meeting. The choir, under the direction of Miss Adele Bannas, will be heard in the near future over radio staion WMAS in a program of Christmas music. The group achieved a reputation in musical circles through its success in competition. Prizes have been won in contests held in Central Falls, Lowell, and New Bedford against leading choirs in New England.


The Springfield Daily Republican – Saturday, May 11, 1935

The Melody choir of Chicopee will be host to choirs belonging to the Polish Singers alliance. Saturday and Sunday, the 18th and 19th. The choirs will arrive Saturday afternoon and sleeping quarters will be assigned to them by the reception and quartering committee, headed by Miss Bertha Olko, assisted by Miss Molly Mlynarezyk and the Edward Kulacz and Edward Filar.
Saturday night the convention ball will take place at the city hall auditorium. The committee has worked hard to make the first of the two day affair impressive. The chairman, Miss Stephanie Przybyla, with her co-workers, Mickey Bigda and Miss Stella Jamroz, invite the public to an evening of dancing. The highlight and the most interesting event of the convention is the concert at Chicopee High School auditorium at 2 in the afternoon. It is a contest to determine which choir renders the best choral singing of the class they are participating in. Judges from the vicinity have been chosen to award the prize. The judging is based on diction, time, and harmony. The judges are Arthur Turner, leader of the Springfield Symphony Orchestra, and a teacher of music; Prof Amiland Cerboneachi of Springfield Opera Company and Springfield resident; and John Zielinski of Holyoke, organist in the Polish church. Besides those choirs belonging to the alliance, there will be guest choirs from Easthampton and Ludlow. The concert offers an afternoon of entertaining music.
The banquet will be held at the Polish National Home after the concert, as many of the out-of-town choirs must start early in the evening. The last affair will be celebrated with the Mitchell brothers entertaining, assisted by vocalists from out of town choirs. The chairman for the evening is Miss Jane Gosciminska assisted by Stanley Kos.


The Springfield Daily Republican – Wednesday, December 25, 1935

The Chicopee Polish merchants have arranged a Christmas program to be broadcast over WMAS from 2:00 to 3:00 this afternoon featuring the music of Walter Jordan and his orchestra. Special features of the program will be the Melody Choir under the direction of Miss Adele Banas, a male quartet composed of members of the Melody choir, and a solo by Miss Banas. The program is intended as a Christmas greeting by the Polish merchants of Chicopee to their radio listeners.